Friday, February 27, 2009

Changing Environment for Business

I really enjoyed reading this chapter in the book, Corporate Communication. I truly expected the book to be rather dull and was pleasantly surprised with this opening chapter. I often wonder how business managers and CEOs keep pace with the many changes that affect businesses today. The use of the many examples throughout the reading was great. It really brought home the message about how different companies responded to various changes. I have included a link to an article about changes in business being either "macro or micro" environmental changes. In this article it uses the example of the addition of low cost airlines to the industry and the way some airlines responded to this major change.


  1. Mary-
    I agree this chapter holds a lot if interesting information. I believe the main point that cannot be disrupted is that an environment will always be changing and in order to stay competitive, an organization needs to recognize this and make the proper adjustments.

    The book notes that an organization should keep the following concepts in mind: recognize that the environment will change, make sure your adaptation does not compromise the organization's mission and values, realize that the problem will not disappear without intervention, and create a strong connection between corporate communication and strategy.

    Unfortunately, we are seeing a lot of industry environment changes and organizations attempting to take short cuts to mend the problem, resulting in failure and corruption.
    The below paper discusses environmental challenges in a global setting for businesses.


  2. arpan says:
    Business is continuously changing. As noted in the text book, "Most of today's business leaders grew up in a different period from the one they find themselves in now". Corporate communication has marked its significance in large corporations as well as smaller corporation. Technology has strengthened communication by shared knowledge which has made the entire world a small global village.
    Here is the link that shows important information for changing environment of business:
